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Ryan Bobbitt
Local man killed at Rocky Mount night club
Rocky Mount Police are looking for a 17-year-old boy responsible for the shooting death of a Nashville man at the Nightlife Bar and Grill on Friday night.
According to police reports, police were called to the Nightlife Bar and Grill at 821 Country Club Road in Rocky Mount around 2 a.m. in reference to a fight between 24-year-old Ryan Craig Bobbitt and multiple suspects. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

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Thousands of people came out to take part in the 40th Annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival on Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1. Festival goers were greeted with cool but nice weather for events on both days. The festivities ended with fireworks. Pictured above, three-year-old Sissy Williams (at left), of Rocky Mount has her face painted by Jennifer DiPilato on Saturday. More ...

County opts for new meeting schedule in 2012
Nash County Commissioners will try out a new meeting schedule beginning in 2012, commissioners decided at their regular meeting on Monday morning.
Commissioner Wayne Outlaw brought up the new meeting time, suggesting that the board meet at a later time to allow more citizens the chance to attend meetings. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

Town of Red Oak plans to challenge US Census data
Red Oak Commissioners voted Monday to file an official challenge with the US Census Bureau regarding the 2010 Census Data. Mayor Alfred Wester said Monday that he had pursued inquires at the State level and had been referred to the Census Bureau for challenge information.
“I talked to the folks in Washington D.C.,” Wester said, “and they explained that we could challenge, but unless the figures were really wrong, we would have to pay the costs, which could be several thousand dollars.” More ...
Amelia Harper, Graphic Correspondent

Nashville receives Parks and Recreation Grant
The Town of Nashville recently received news that it had been awarded a Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant to assist in developing the Stony Creek Environmental Park.
The park, which is where the old Glover Park was located behind Bojangles, will feature a multipurpose field with lights, tennis courts,  boardwalk trail, paddle trail and creek access, a Hope Blooms garden, amphitheater, playground and parking area. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

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Major shares cancer story
Eight months after losing her husband to lung cancer, Judy Major was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Major, of Rocky Mount, said the diagnoses obviously added to an already difficult year and was even harder to accept because she had just had her annual mammogram.
“I had had a mammogram six weeks prior and they did not find anything,” Major said. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

 Local News

Hurricane debris removal to conclude week of October 10
Crews contracted through the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will begin their last round to pick up storm-related debris starting on Monday, October 10.
Crews have been removing debris from state maintained roads in counties affected by Hurricane Irene since early September. Starting on Monday, October 10, crews will begin their last round of debris pick-up in Edgecombe, Nash, Wayne and Wilson Counties. More ...

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40th Annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival, Pics 1
Pumpkin Queen Pamela Brooke Pearson More ...
Graphic photos by Amanda Clark

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40th Annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival, Pics 2
A Sudan Clown tosses a football to a parade watcher during Saturday’s Pumpkin Festival Parade. More ...

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40th Annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival, Pics 3
The Sudan Hillbillies were on hand for this year’s 40th Annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival. More ...

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T. Bynum
Wilson men arrested for trafficking cocaine
Two Wilson men were arrested in the parking lot of Food Lion on Friday morning for trafficking cocaine.
 According to a press release from the Nash County Sheriff’s Office, the Narcotics Division received information that two men would be coming to the Food Lion  parking lot at Highway 97 and Halifax Road outside of Rocky Mount with cocaine. More ...

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Area high school students get leadership scholarships
Seven students from four area high schools have been awarded scholarships to attend Kiwanis International’s Key Leader program.
Cristen Resendiz of Northern Nash High School, in Air Force Junior ROTC, received his award given in honor of Col. Roger McCausland, U. S. Air Force retired. More ...

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Marley and Charley after being found in Sunset Park in Rocky Mount. The two poodle mix dogs were dumped and severely matted when found.
Local women rescue neglected dogs from park
The SPCA Alliance of NC rescued two severely neglected dogs in Rocky Mount over the weekend and is offering a reward for information that can help locate the people responsible.
Shelley Milburn, a Nashville resident and President of the SPCA, said she was contacted on Saturday about some matted dogs that needed rescue. The dogs were discovered at Sunset Park by men playing disc golf. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

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Jessica Flores joins Nash County Clerk of Court Office
Jessica Flores has joined the Nash County Clerk of Court staff as a Deputy Clerk.
Flores, a Nash County resident, started in early September and is of Hispanic/Latino heritage, which will allow The Clerk of Court’s Office to better assist the Hispanic population. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

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Local young woman wins regional teen beauty title
Courtenay Wells was recently crowned Teen Miss Glamour Girl at the Cary, NC Glamour Girl Pageant Systems Event.  She is the daughter of Meta and Ricky Wells of Red Oak.   Courtenay is an 11th grader at Northern Nash High School and enjoys drawing, singing, dancing, swimming, soccer, Girl Scouts and Community Service.  Courtenay will compete again at the State competition to be held in February. More ...

Alexa Regina Lee - 9/28/11 - charged with hit and run stop property damage and failure to report an accident
Veronica Dale Harris - 9/26/2011 - charged with credit card theft, larceny, all other larceny, and fraud by credit card, automated teller machine
 More ...
Staff Reports

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Nashville photographer earns professional certification
Angela Blankenship of  AB Photography in Nashville, has earned the Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation from the Professional Photographic Certification Commission.
Blankenship earned this designation after meeting rigorous requirements measuring her artistic and technical competence. More ...

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Nash Health Care earns honors for promoting breastfeeding
The North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition (NCBC) recently honored Nash Health Care with two awards in recognition of its outstanding support and promotion of breastfeeding. Nash Health Care received the “Breastfeeding Friendly Business” and the “Breastfeeding Friendly Employer” awards. These awards are given annually to organizations that that have made accommodations to welcome breastfeeding mothers and employees into their places of business. More ...

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Southern Police Canine hosts annual training
Richard Price hopes the four days of hard training he provided to 16 law enforcement officers last week will pay off.
Southern Police Canine hosted the training last week for 15 officers from across North Carolina, including four from the Nash County Sheriff’s Office, and one officer from the York Regional Police Department in Canada. More ...
Amanda Clark, Graphic Staff Writer

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DEPC recognizes local volunteer
The Down East Partnership for Children recently recognized Alaya Reynolds, a sophomore at Nash Central High School, for her volunteer efforts over the summer. Reynolds volunteered at the Down East Partnership not only for credit in her Health Science Academy, but because she would like to work with children and hoped to gain some job skills. More ...

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Cedar Grove teachers receive donation for school supplies
Teachers at Cedar Grove Elementary School were able to purchase supplies for their classrooms, thanks to Walmart’s Teacher Rewards Program.
Associates of Nashville’s Walmart recently selected Cedar Grove for the program. As part of the program, 10 teachers were given $100 rewards gift cards to purchase classrooms supplies from Walmart. More ...

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24th Annual Roundtable
The Northern Nash Marching Knights sponsored its 24th Annual Roundtable on Saturday, October 1 at the Northern Nash Football Field, “Death Valley.” The Roundtable is a marching band competition with this years event including bands from Bailey, Cary, Clayton, Deep Run, Roanoke Rapids, Wilson and Glen Allen, Virginia.  The Northern Nash Marching Knights will perform in exhibition. More ...

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Congratulations to two families who had new additions recently! Chris and Christi May welcomed their son, Cameron Andrew May, on Sept. 13 and Chad and Heather Thompson also welcomed a son, Brody Chad Thompson, on Sept. 21. More ...

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We had 89 present for Sunday school. Bob Watkins welcomed everyone. We sang “Happy Birthday” for all those with a birthday in Oct. Those with wedding anniversaries were also recognized. Each were given a piece of candy. Matthew Morgan read the Bible verse for today. More ...

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Mark your calendars for a busy week-end at Beulah Church of Christ. This Friday, from 5-8 p.m. will be the monthly fish fry at the Beulah Annex on Reges Rd. This is a great event the first Friday night in each month and we always look forward to seeing all of you. More ...

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Word for the week
To encourage them, before Jesus went to the cross, to the grave, and then to heaven, He made a promise to His weary and heartbroken disciples.  “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16-17).  This promise indicates an important attribute of the Holy Spirit. He is the Sprit of truth. More ...

Southern Nash High to host Fields of Faith event
Southern Nash High School will be hosting a local Fields of Faith event on October 12 from 6:30 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. on the Firebird football field.  
Fields of Faith is a  Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) led event that gathers parents and students across the nation on the same day to hear God’s word, share testimonies, and pray. More ...

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The Daughters of the American Revolution’s Micajah Pettaway Chapter met September 15, 2011, 10:30 a.m. in Braswell Memorial Library’s Warner Room. Hostesses Toni Wade, Chairman, Roslyn Gragg and Sylvia Andracchio served refreshments. More ...

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There was a foretaste of winter in the air as Peachtree folks gathered to worship on Sunday morning. Pastor Whitehouse’s sermon topic was “God’s Design for Christian Living”. It was based on Paul’s message to the Galatians from chapter 5:16-18. More ...

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Rocky Mount woman named PeriAnesthesia Nurse of the Year
Laura Haynes of Rocky Mount was selected as the North Carolina  PeriAnesthesia Nurse of the Year by the NC Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. The award was presented at a statewide conference in Hickory.
“Laura exemplifies excellence in all nursing-related roles,” stated Marlene Everette, RN, the perianesthesia manager who nominated Haynes for the award. More ...


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Chicken pastry – the present better than past
With my wife, and children No. 1 and No. 3 out of town, my mom took sympathy on child No. 2 and me. She offered to feed us on the second night of being on our own.
Maybe we looked sad.
So, when I rolled in from Greenville – tired, bleary-eyed and facing another long night of grad school homework –  Mom met me at the door. More ...
Mike Brantley

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Editorial Cartoon More ...
Jay Lamm

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It’s time to paint the town pink
You’ll notice the front page of The Graphic will turn a little “pink” over the next few weeks while also featuring some pretty special ladies from our community.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and The Graphic is again publishing stories each week of local breast cancer survivors to encourage more awareness of this horrible disease. More ...
Jo Anne Cooper

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It’s inconceivable how people can abuse animals
This weekend, I came across a photo of something that I could not at first identify. It looked like two disgusting blobs of something.
Later on, I discovered these blobs were dogs.
A group of men discovered the two dogs while at sunset park playing a friendly game of disc golf. The men didn’t realize what they were looking at either until they got a little closer. More ...
Amanda Clark

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Backward Glances
This photo was originally published in The Graphic March 4, 1976. These sixth, seventh and eighth graders won awards in the Nashville Optimist Club’s annual oratorical contest. Pictured (left to right) are Clarence Walker, third place winner; Alton Walker, second place; John Thomas, first place; Jackie Whitehead, first place; Pam Jones, second place; and Debra Mangum, third place. More ...

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Nash County Animal Friends’ Notebook
Last Saturday we sent nine dogs north to New York, of which eight of them were going to Canada. Recently we sent four cats to Germany and two  dogs are slated for the UK.  We are sending them everywhere because the people here don’t care enough.  It is expensive to rescue.  But there are no choices, unless we just want the pets to die. More ...
Carol Vierela, Nash County Animal Friends


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LOOKING FOR A LANE. Nashville’s Kendrick Bell (with ball) picks up yardage for the Varsity Hornets during last Saturday’s road game against the Wilson Boys and Girls Club at historic Fike High School.
Another Victory
WILSON -- With a rivalry matchup looming against the Nash County Firebirds, Nashville first had to get past the Wilson Boys and Girls Club during last Saturday’s Eastern North Carolina Football League varsity action.
Nashville passed the road test in strong fashion, scoring early and often en route to obtaining a 42-6 decision over the Jets in a game that was played at the Wilson Fike High School Football Field. More ...
GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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WANNA GET AWAY? Nashville Hornets’ running back Carresian Whitaker tries to escape a Wilson Boys and Girls Club defender during last Saturday’s junior varsity football match, which wsa staged on the campus of Wilson Fike High School.
WILSON -- Three weeks remain in the regular season, but the Nashville Junior Varsity Team will be hard-pressed to top the heroics from last Saturday’s key showdown against the Wilson Boys and Girls Club.
Trailing by six points in the fourth quarter, the Hornets rallied for 17 unanswered markers to remain undefeated with a 17-6 decision over the Jets at Wilson Fike High School. More ...
GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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PIN SEEKER. Northern Nash’s Kadijah Barfield hits an approach shot with a metal wood to the 18th green at The River Golf and Country Club as part of Monday’s Big East Conference girls showdown.
Down To The River
BUNN -- A heavy dose of local knowledge helped Rachel Bissette outlast her competition on Monday at the latest Big East Conference Girls Golf Match at The River Golf and Country Club at Lake Royale.
The River is known for its trickery, and being familiar with the course is always a plus.
Bissette and her Southern Nash teammates practice daily at The River, and the Ladybird veteran put that knowledge to good use en rout to earning medalist honors. More ...
GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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Central a winner on court
ROCKY MOUNT -- Nash Central High School remained perfect in 2011 girls tennis action with a pair of Big East Conference victories last week.
The Lady Bulldogs bested Northern Nash and Wilson Fike by identical 9-0 scores under veteran head coach Susan McCarthy. More ...
Staff Reports

NASH COUNTY -- Here are last weekend’s scores from the 2011 North Carolina High School Athletic Association football season: More ...
Staff Reports

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ARRINGTON ON THE MOVE. Nash Central High School’s Greg Arrington (with ball) picks up yardage for the Bulldogs during their road football victory Monday night against the Rocky Mount Bulldogs in a Big East Conference game.
Central Tops Gryphons
ROCKY MOUNT -- Rocky Mount was in a giving mood Monday evening in the Gryphons’ Big East Conference opener against Nash Central at the Rocky Mount Athletic Complex.
The Gryphons had nine fumbles, and the Bulldogs only recovered two of them. More ...
CHARLES ALSTON, Graphic Correspondent

Big East action continues Friday night
NASH COUNTY -- One thing can definitely be said about this week’s Big East Conference football contests.
Every one of the teams will be playing on a short week.
All six teams played  Monday evening, so no one will have a longer period of rest over anyone else.
That being said, as in every week, there will be some intriguing matchups coming up Friday night. More ...
CHARLES ALSTON, Graphic Correspondent

Wesleyan earns first win of year
DANVILLE, VA. -- Wideout Jarret Coffield hauled in a career-high nine receptions for 119 yards, and fellow senior Javon Boddie returned an interception 23 yards for a touchdown to lead North Carolina Wesleyan College’s football team to a 29-0 shutout of homestanding Averett University last Saturday. More ...
Staff Reports

NCWC spikers in action
ROCKY MOUNT -- North Carolina Wesleyan’s volleyball team split a pair of USA South matches on Saturday at Everett Gym, suffering a 3-0 loss to Shenandoah before rebounding to sweep Peace by the same score later in the evening.
Prior to the Peace match, the Battling Bishops and head coach Robin Pietryk honored the two senior members of this year’s squad: Holly Deaver and Mackenzie Tingle. More ...
Staff Reports

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Nashville Hornet Tarod Brown (center) celebrates after his team recorded a safety during last Saturday’s junior varsity football matchup against homestanding Wilson Boys and Girls Club in Eastern North Carolina Football League action. More ...

NASH COUNTY -- Listed are last weekend’s team results and goal scorers from the Nash County Parks and Recreation Department’s Fall Soccer Season: More ...
Staff Reports

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NC Takes On The SPOT
STANHOPE -- It was a perfect fall day as the Nash County Firebirds hosted WYU-The Spot Warriors for an Eastern North Carolina Football League matchup at Firebird Stadium on the campus of Southern Nash High School.
Here is a look at each contest: More ...
Staff Reports

County Line has an exciting night
ELM CITY -- Spectators, crews, drivers and staff could not have asked for  more  perfect weather as everyone filed into County Line Raceway last Saturday for a night of hot  racing action. More ...
Staff Reports

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SLICK BALLHANDLER FOR SN. Southern Nash’s Moises Gonzalez advances the ball for the Firebirds during their road soccer victory Monday afternoon against the Nash Central Bulldogs.
Southern Nash soccer on league roll
ROCKY MOUNT -- Earlier in the season, Southern Nash boys soccer coach John Matthews wasn’t thrilled about his club’s inconsistent play against non-league foes.
That trend quickly changed for the Firebirds once they kicked off the Big East Conference portion of their schedule. More ...
GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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GRYPHONS GO UP AGAINST FRANKLINTON. The Rocky Mount Gryphons stepped out of Big East Conference boys soccer action last Thursday afternoon to meet the Franklinton Red Rams at the RM Soccer Complex. The clubs tied 2-2 in the matchup, marking the second time FHS and RM have played to an equalizer this season. In the above photo, Rocky Mount’s Garrett Webb heads a throw-in while being defended by Franklinton’s Layne Lanham. More ...

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Southern Nash’s Rachel Bissette attacks the par-5 No. 2 hole at The River Golf and Country Club during Monday’s Big East Conference links showdown in Franklin County. More ...

 Deaths (Updated Daily)

ROCKY MOUNT – Rosa Lee Tillman, 59, of Rocky Mount, died on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, at Atlantic Medical Center in Atlanta, GA. More ...

ROCKY MOUNT – William Henry “Peter Rabbit”  Simms, 67, of Rocky Mount, died on Thursday, September 29, 2011. More ...

NASHVILLE - Funeral services for James Bernard Copeland, 60, who died Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, were Sept. 30 at 1 p.m. at the Union Hill Baptist Church with the Rev. James Wesley Parks officiating. Burial followed in the Oakland Cemetery. More ...

HOLLISTER - Funeral services for Ethel Lynch Gaskins, 79, who died on Friday, Sept. 23, 2011, were Sept. 30, at Pine Chapel Baptist Church. Burial followed in the church cemetery. More ...

Shannon Christina Farrow Booth, age 34, of Rocky Mount, passed away Saturday, October 1, 2011 at Pitt Memorial Hospital in Greenville, NC. More ...

Lena Mae Harrison Joyner, 93, passed away September 27, 2011. She was the daughter of the late William Seth Harrison and Irene Brag Harrison of Elm City, was born January 23, 1918. Lena Mae was married to the late Lancy R. Joyner. Her surviving family includes her son, Lancy Ray Joyner, Jr. and wife, Louise, and daughter Ava J. Bass and her husband, Johnny Bass; four randchildren; three great-grandchildren. More ...

Melvin Shelton Leggett, age 79, passed away Tuesday, September 27, 2011. Born in Beaufort County on August 24, 1932, he was the son of the late John David “J.D.” Leggett and Lucy Lilley Leggett. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Barbara Jenkins Leggett and wife, Gladys Willis Crank Leggett. More ...





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