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Town okays MSD projects

The Town of Nashville will be decorated with new Christmas decorations this holiday season, Nashville's Town Council agreed last week.
The board approved three projects which were recommended by the newly created Municipal Service District Advisory Board.
The Board, which includes five members of Nashville's business community, was tasked with coming up with potential project ideas using an additional ten cents tax that was levied to the newly created Municipal Service District.

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Candidate forum is Oct. 19th

Nashville's Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a candidate forum next Thursday at 7 p.m. for those seeking the two open seats on Nashville's Town Council.
The seats for Larry Taylor and Michael Coleman are up for grabs in the November election. Both Taylor and Coleman have filed for re-election for their seats with no opposition but since filing ended, Coleman accepted a position with Haywood Community College and resigned from the town board.

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Two-year-old Taytum Gray Mills was dressed for the occasion as she attended the Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival on Saturday.
Rain doesn't dampen Pumpkin Festival

It drizzled some, it rained some but the 46th annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival continued on and is considered a success.
Festival Chair Chris Wheaton said he was pleased with Saturday's events.
Rain tried to put a damper on the parade, which started at 1 p.m. but the event continued on.

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Grant may fund new school

The Nash-Rocky Mount School System will soon submit an application for grant funding that could pave the way for a new elementary school to be built.
Nash County Commissioners met on Tuesday afternoon to give initial approval to the grand application and the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education met on Wednesday afternoon.

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Castalia Fire Community Day is Saturday

Castalia's Fire Department will celebrate fire prevention month with Fire Prevention and Community Day on Saturday, October 14.
This is the first year the department has hosted such an event, said Ty Davis, a member of the department.
Davis said the department tried to hold one last year for the first time but Hurricane Matthew put a hold on plans.

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Local Missons Color Run aids multiple needs

The sun was barely up as around 100 runners took to Washington Street for the second annual Missions Color Run on Saturday.
The event was hosted by the Nashville location of Church on the Rise.
The 5K race began at 7 a.m. at Church on the Rise on Washington Street.

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NPD's National Night Out is Monday

Nashville's Police Department will host its Fifth Annual National Night Out on Monday at Glover Park.
Typically, the national event is held on the first Tuesday in August. However, Nashville's Police Department decided this year to move the event to October because August was so hot.

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Nashville welcomes new police officers

The Nashville Graphic is introducing three new officers of the Nashville Police Department this month as part of an "Officer Spotlight" series. This week's article features Officer James B. Ellis.

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Couple busted

The Nash County Sheriff's Office arrested a Elm City couple on Monday after discovering a marijuana and a moonshine in their home.
Uniformed Patrol Deputies with the Sheriff's Office received information on Monday, October 9 that Anthony Wayne King, 53, and Terry Lynn King, 52, of Riverpoint Road, Elm City, were selling drugs from their residence.

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 Local News

Local couple killed in accident

A Nashville husband and wife were killed on Saturday night in a car accident on Highway 64.
According to Trooper Travis Holloman, of the North Carolina Highway Patrol, Brenda and William Moss were traveling east on Highway 64 between Spring Hope and Momeyer when their vehicle ran off the road, hit and tree and overturned.

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Halifax Sheriff deems homicide as gang related

A quadruple murder in the Glenview Community of Halifax County remains unsolved but Halifax County Sheriff Wes Tripp said they are closer to resolving the case.
Tripp said this week that the murders of Janice Harris, 72, James Harris, 88, James Whitley, 76 and Peggy Whitley appears to be gang related but would not go into more detail.

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Nash meets with school board regarding Williford Elementary resolution

Nash County Commissioners, along with the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education, are working on a joint resolution that expresses their desire for Williford Elementary School to be excluded from the Innovative School District.
The two boards met on Monday to discuss the issue of Williford being included in the shortened list of schools that could be included in the newly created Innovative School District.

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Harassing phone calls were reported on 10/2/17 at the Nash Rocky Mount School Administrative Office, 930 Eastern Avenue
A fraud - credit card/automated teller - was reported on 10/2/17 at CVS, 101 W Washington Street

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A breaking, entering and larceny was reported on 10/1/17 at 11195 Davis Worrell Road
A criminal damage to property was reported on 10/1/17 at 2260 Tom George Road
A misdemeanor possession of a schedule VI controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia was reported on 10/1/17 at 7809 Strickland Road

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Nash County Planning and Inspections issued the following building permits from October 2 through 6.

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Nash County Blood Drives

Thursday, October 12 from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Rocky Mount Prepratory School, 3334 Bishop Road, Rocky Mount
Thursday, October 12 from 12 until 6 p.m. at Rocky Mount Englewood Presbyterian, 100 South Englewood Drive, Rocky Mount
Friday, October 13 from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at Rocky Mount Englewood Presbyterian, 100 South Engelwood Drive, Rocky Mount

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Red Oak declares October 29th as Agnes B. Moore Day

At its regular monthly meeting on Monday, the town board of Red Oak voted to increase zoning permit fees to $25.
They also reviewed a quote for the fence planned to go between the parking area and the basketball courts at the park. The possibility of building a fence to protect the cars in the lot was brought up at last month's meeting.

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Eastern Carolina BBQ Throwdown starts Friday

The 10th annual Eastern Carolina BBQ Throw Down will be held on the lawn of the Helen P. Gay Rocky Mount Historic Train Station Friday, Oct. 13, 2017 from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017 from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The weekend of festivities will include a BBQ competition, the third annual home brew competition, a classic car show and competition, food vendors, two stages of live entertainment, children's activities, tours of Rocky Mount and much more.

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Nashville Chamber of Commerce gives back, 1

The Nashville Chamber of Commerce made a contribution of $250 from its Blooming Festival proceeds to the Nashville Fire Department. Pictured left to right on the front row are: Mary Grace Daughtridge, Nashville Chamber of Commerce President; Andy Joyner, Nashville Fire Department; Amy Beasley, chamber treasurer and Blooming Festival co-chair; Cindy Puckett, Blooming Festival co-chair; Chris Joyner, Nashville Fire Department Captain. On the back row are: Douglas Garciga, Nashville Fire Department; Cliff Joyner, Chamber Vice-President and Bill Trimmer, Nashville Fire Department.

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Nashville Chamber of Commerce gives back, 2

The Nashville Chamber of Commerce made a contribution of $250 from its Blooming Festival proceeds to the Nashville Police Department. Pictured left to right are: Amy Beasley, chamber treasurer and Blooming Festival co-chair; Jo Anne Cooper, Blooming Festival chairperson and chamber board member; Heather Moore from the Anchor Holds organization, which works to assist the Nashville Police Department with the HOPE Initiative; Nashville Police Chief Tom Bashore; Nashville Town Manager Henry Raper; and Michael Coleman, past chamber vice-president.

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Nashville Chamber of Commerce gives back, 3

The Nashville Chamber of Commerce made a contribution of $250 to Nashville Elementary's Hometown Heroes 5K race, which is the school's major fundraiser for its playground project. Pictured above, left to right, are: Carrie Morningstar from Nashville Elementary, and Nashville Chamber of Commerce President Mary Grace Daughtridge. Pictured far right is Cliff Joyner, chamber vice-president. Nashville Elementary students pictured front row, left to right are: Kaniyah Gloster, Terrance Saunders, Peyton Flora and Layla Curtis. Back row, left to right: Jackson Cary, Rachel Gray and Caden Wood. (Graphic photo by Jo Anne Cooper)

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Sunset Avenue bridge to close

The widening project underway on the U.S. 301 Bypass in Nash County will require the N.C. Department of Transportation to close the Sunset Avenue bridge on Monday, Oct. 16.
NCDOT is adding a travel lane in either direction on a two-mile segment of the bypass (Wesleyan Boulevard) between May Drive and Benvenue Road, next to Golden East Crossing Mall in Rocky Mount.

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Castalia Baptist celebrates 125 years of ministry

Castalia Baptist Church celebrated 125 years of ministry on Sunday, October 8 with a special service.
Services began with a concert featuring HeartSong, out of Shannon, North Carolina.
Following the concert, the worship service featured the church's praise team, the sanctuary choir and a Homecoming Sermon, which was given by Dr. Milton Hollifield, Jr., the Executive Director - Treasurer of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.

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Red Oak Baptist Church had a kick-off Sunday, October 8 for Operation Christmas Child . Everyone was informed about the project and brochures and preprinted boxes were available for pick up. The church's goal is 525 boxes this year. Remember no toothpaste or candy is allowed in the boxes this year. Also, don't forget to include the suggested donation of $9.00 to be included in each box along with your items to cover the trip.

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Luke's Word for the Week

In just a few short days the sun will rise, the dawn will burst forth, and the 2017 whitetail deer rifle season will begin here in Eastern Carolina. It's easily my favorite time of year. There's just something incredibly special about sitting in the woods alone, gazing out upon God's creation. Often times, when I hunt, I find that I'm less concerned with seeing a deer and more interested in hearing from the Lord as I sit in silence soaking up the time.

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Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival pics, 1

WRAL's Renee Chou was the Grand Marshal for the Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival on Saturday. Pictured with Chou is her daughter, Elsa.

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Graphic photos by Amanda Clark

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Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival pics, 2

Allison Sparks, 8, tries to lift the bag during a sparring game at the Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival. The game was a part of the festival's Kid Zone.

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Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival pics, 3

Leah McDonald and Breeanna Jones (L-R) share a snow cone while waiting for the Pumpkin Decorating Contest to begin on Saturday.

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Missions Color Run pics, 1

Rebecca Woodruff (at right) runs through a color station, as Payten Saiers (at left) throws color on her during Saturday's Color Run.

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Graphic photos by Amanda Clark

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Missions Color Run pics, 2

Tommy Hibbs and Hillary Braden run through a fog of color on Saturday morning during the Missions Color Run.

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Missions Color Run pics, 3

Jasmine Moore (at left) waits for color to be tossed on her during the Color Run on Saturday. Throwing the color iis Brandon Saiers and Teagen Saiers.

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Alyson Barnes, a member of First Baptist Church in Rocky Mount, volunteers with the Yam Jam Saturday morning.
Yam Jam nets 40,000 pounds for Food Bank

The long-time Yam Jam tradition continued Saturday morning donating over 40,000 pounds of Nash County sweet potatoes to the Food Bank.
The Food Bank has partnered with Milton Fields, Richard Tyson, and First Christian Church Disciples of Christ since October of 2011, however the event has been ongoing for 20 years. The first Yam Jam was held in Old Sparta.

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Fellowship Church will host a Youth Rally with Reggie Dabbs on Sunday, October 15 at 5 p.m. Reggie Dabbs is a nationally known youth evangelist who speaks annually at Jentzen Franklin's Forward Conference. The church is located at 1114 S. First Street, Nashville.

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Peachtree folks gathered at the church for worship on a beautiful autumn day. Sanctuary flowers were given by Beverly Wilson in memory and honor of the women in her life, who had been members and supporters of the church, dating back to Elizabeth White in 1809, until the present; her mother, Barbara Cooke Privette, who joined in 1951.

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Nash County Blood Drives October 2017

Friday, October 13 from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at Rocky Mount Englewood Presbyterian, 100 South Engelwood Drive, Rocky Mount
Monday, October 16 from 3 until 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 200 South Church Street, Rocky Mount
Wednesday, October 18 from 2 until 7 p.m. at Red Oak Volunteer Fire Department, 7951 Red Oak Boulevard, Red Oak

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Enough with summer, I want October back!

I want my October back.
All these high 70s and mid 80s days are killing me. This is October.
The air is supposed to be crisp in the morning, with a little bite to let you know the best part of the year is here.
The cotton has been defoliated and provides a wonderful blanket, awaiting the picker. Pumpkins and hay bales are out in yards.

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Mike Brantley

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Motherhood isn't as pretty as you think

Motherhood ain't pretty.
If you aren't a mom, you probably have these visions of how motherhood should be. And you probably look at other moms and think, "when I'm a mom I'm not going to do it that way" or you gasp and think, "Wow, she's doing it all wrong."

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Amanda Clark

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Backward Glances

This photo was found in The Graphic's September 24, 1981 archives. Shown above is the planning committee for the 11th annual OIC Gold Key Banquet which was held at Josh Bulluck's Restaurant.

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READY FOR A FOREHAND. Northern Nash's Ayshia Palmer prepares for a return last Thursday versus Rocky Mount.

RED OAK -- Northern Nash High School girls tennis coach Lisa Weaver couldn't have asked for two better players to honor as part of last Thursday's Senior Night festivities at the NNHS Courts.
Northern Nash's lone seniors this fall at No. 1 Grayson Tanner and No. 6 Marguritte James, and both were saluted during a post-match celebration following the Lady Knights' home loss to Big East Conference rival Rocky Mount.

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GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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MIDFIELD MAGICIAN. Drifton Padgett (right) has been exceptional in the midfield this season for the Nash Central High School boys soccer team.
Central's Playoff Push

ROCKY MOUNT -- When Nash Central moved down to the Class 2-A Eastern Plains Conference this fall, boys soccer coach Ryan Ruiz saw a distinct opportunity.
The Bulldogs have fielded some respectable teams through the years, but have had difficult breaking through the top-heavy portion of the Class 3-A Big East Conference in order to obtain a berth in the state playoffs.

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GEOFF NEVILL, Graphic Sportswriter

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THE WINNER. Northern Nash's ZaQuez Britt (right) scores the winning touchdown in overtime during last Saturday's JV contest against Southern Nash.

STANHOPE -- Forty minutes of action wasn't enough to provide a winner during last Saturday's hard-fought Eastern North Carolina Football League junior varsity showdown between county rivals Northern Nash and Southern Nash.
With the score deadlocked, the clubs went to overtime, and Northern Nash wasn't about to engage in any trickery.

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GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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Bulldogs roll past Jaguars

ROCKY MOUNT -- Nash Central took its first step in Eastern Plains Conference football action last Friday -- and it was a big one.
The Bulldogs, who moved to the EPC in the off-season after 15 years in the Big East Conference, rolled past Farmville Central at the Dawg Pound on the NCHS campus.

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Staff Reports

NN collects first victory

RED OAK -- Last year, Northern Nash's lone football conference win came against Head Coach Randy Raper's ex-program, the Wilson Hunt Warriors.
This past Friday, Raper's Northern Nash Knights were still in search of their first win of the 2017 campaign, and were able to salvage on against the now 2-5 Warriors.

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GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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Southern takes out Demons

WILSON -- Southern Nash High School made a huge upward step in the Big East Conference boys soccer standings last Wednesday with a 1-0 road victory against the Wilson Fike Golden Demons.
With the decision, the Firebirds improved to 9-5-1 overall and 5-1 in the Big East, which puts Coach Carlos Barron's club in a first-place tie atop the league with Wilson Hunt.

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Staff Reports

NCWC edged vs. LaGrange

LaGRANGE, GA. -- North Carolina Wesleyan College's football team scored a season-high 44 points last Saturday afternoon, but the Bishops would come out on the short end of a league shootout with LaGrange College, 51-44.
Sophomore Deandre Gillis paced Wesleyan's offense with 136 rushing yards and a pair of touchdowns, while Trey Lancaster grabbed seven receptions for 187 yards and two scores.

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Staff Reports

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RM Tops Newcomer

ROCKY MOUNT -- Franklinton's first-ever football test in the Big East Conference was a lofty one as the Red Rams traveled to Rocky Mount High School last Friday to tangle with a Gryphon club that has made back-to-back appearances in the state finals -- including a championship in 2015.
But even though the Gryphons are in a bit of a rebuilding mode this fall, they are still a formidable foe -- as evidenced by RM's 48-14 home decision over Franklinton in the league opener for both clubs.

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Staff Reports


NASH COUNTY -- Here are updated scores from the Nash County Parks and Recreation Department's Fall Youth Soccer Season:

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Staff Reports

NCWC golfers sharp

FLOWERY BRANCH, GA. -- North Carolina Wesleyan College's golf team continued its stellar fall season over the weekend at the Royal Lakes Invitational hosted by Oglethorpe University.
Led by junior Grady Anderson's top-10 performance, the Bishops finished 4th overall after posting the tourney's low team round of 283 on Saturday.

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Staff Reports

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Northern Nash\'s Jesse Smith (with ball) picks up yardage for the Knights during last Saturday afternoon\'s road football game against the Southern Nash Firebirds.
Varsity Victory

STANHOPE -- It didn't take long for Southern Nash to take control of last Saturday's varsity matchup with Northern Nash in the Eastern North Carolina Football League.
One snap, to be exact.
After recovering a fumble to end Northern Nash's first possession, Southern needed just a single play to find the end zone on a 63-yard touchdown bolt from Jordan Vick.

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GEOFF NEVILLE, Graphic Sportswriter

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Glover Park hosts action

NASHVILLE -- Town of Nashville Youth Soccer games continued this past weekend at Glover Park in Nashville with players and parents braving the rain during the early games and persisting through the extreme humidity as the day progressed.
In U12, Little Caesars played Mary Ruffin Nationwide, in another close matchup, with Little Caesars the victors.Goals were scored by Kamiyah Thomas, Conner Byrd and Jayden Gray and Emma Cahoon helped the team by protecting the goal from Mary Ruffin Nationwide attacks.

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Staff Reports

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Jayvion McNair of Webby's Shaved Ice scores a goal during last Saturday morning's Town of Nashville Youth Soccer League action at the Glover Park Fields.

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Nash Central's Bryce Lewis sends the ball to a teammate during last Thursday afternoon's Eastern Plains Conference home victory against Wilson Beddingfield.

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Northern Nash High School senior Marguritte James prepares to send down a serve during last Thursday afternoon's home girls tennis matchup against Big East Conference rival Rocky Mount.

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 Deaths (Updated Daily)


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